Nintendo Switch Back is Easy to Scratch

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Today my Switch received 6 different marks on the screen, here is how.

I was putting a screen protector on and laid the plastic film on top of the screen so that I could position it right, during this process the screen somehow now has 6 permanent marks that look like smudges but won't come out. There's also marks on the bezels which I assume might be from the dock.

All I did was lay a sheet of thin plastic, the stuff you peel away from a protector when you're about to apply it. I'm phoning Nintendo tomorrow to get a replacement, then I'll be putting a protector on without daring to touch the screen in any way.

For comparison, my S7 Edge has been in the pockets of lots of coats, trousers and tumbled down to my carpet a few times and the screen is flawless. The Switch had a flat piece of plastic film laid on top of it for a few minutes -- permanently marked.

A screen this fragile should not be on a portable product.

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I've said it in other threads, but the smudges on the bezels are almost certainly from the rubber inserts inside your dock. I was able to clean those off with a cotton rag and some effort. I'd suggest giving that a try before returning it, but YMMV.

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@frytup: Unfortunately I scrubbed very hard with a microfiber and some screen cleaner, they don't budge!

Now I just hope Nintendo do keep their word with regards to carrying over save data

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Dude Nintendo don't offer replacements for Switches that ship with half a dozen dead pixels. I wouldn't hold out much hope for your scratched surface

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It seems like they are using almost plain glass for this thing to save cost. Even the original gorilla glass would have been better than this. It's inexcusable.

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It seems like they are using almost plain glass for this thing to save cost. Even the original gorilla glass would have been better than this. It's inexcusable.

It's plastic, even worse!

Dude Nintendo don't offer replacements for Switches that ship with half a dozen dead pixels. I wouldn't hold out much hope for your scratched surface

Fortunately other people have been getting replacements for dock scratching, so it should be fine. If not I'll go through the store I bought it and get them to send it back and put me in line for a replacement from them.

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According to one of the teardowns, it's not glass at all, it's a very thick plastic so that it won't shatter. But since plastic is so soft, it will scratch easily. The guy doing the teardown seemed surprised at how easily it scratched. And then more surprised at how thick the plastic was.

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According to one of the teardowns, it's not glass at all, it's a very thick plastic so that it won't shatter. But since plastic is so soft, it will scratch easily. The guy doing the teardown seemed surprised at how easily it scratched. And then more surprised at how thick the plastic was.

It's ridiculous, I knew I'd have to be careful because it's plastic but this is too much

I don't even remember my iPhone from 2009 being this fragile

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I'm officially living in fear now.

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I'm officially living in fear now.

Get a tempered glass protector and get it on there without too much fussing, that's what I'm going to do when I get a new Switch

Avatar image for theegravedigger

@wynnduffy: That's because it's a different material. The 3Gs was:

I suspect the intention was to make the screen fairly unlikely to shatter.

If you check out this video, you'll see that even with multiple drops, the screen doesn't shatter:

I seem to recall 3G and 3GS screens shattering after drops like that.

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@wynnduffy: That's because it's a different material. The 3Gs was:

I suspect the intention was to make the screen fairly unlikely to shatter.

If you check out this video, you'll see that even with multiple drops, the screen doesn't shatter:

I seem to recall 3G and 3GS screens shattering after drops like that.

Yeah I get it but it's still crazy to see such a weak screen, phones moved to glass for a reason.

If you drop an iPhone or other phone with a glass screen usually it has to be a really bad drop to shatter badly, I would definitely take a glass screen for the Switch. I don't understand Nintendo's logic with this one, if you drop the machine your JoyCon rails are going to be ruined quickly anyway.

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Expensive phones like Samsung's and Apple's seem to scratch at Mohs 6 or 7 (Switch scratched at 3). Expecting that level of scratch-resistance isn't realistic for the price and size of the Switch, but there's gotta be some viable in-between material (that isn't too brittle) that they could have gone with instead of using fucking plastic. I'm sure it saves them a ton of money, but man, where they decided to actually spend it is just weird across the board.

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I spoke to Nintendo and I'm sending it to them on Monday, fingers crossed!

I'm gonna be sad if I lose my save data. I have been in love with Zelda. I guess I will miss the Splatoon testfire now too.

Avatar image for sogeman

Screen being plastic is not an excuse. The Vita screen is also plastic and I've never had anything close to a scratch on with of the 2 I had. Didn't even know it was plastic until the Switch debacle.

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@sogeman said:

Screen being plastic is not an excuse. The Vita screen is also plastic and I've never had anything close to a scratch on with of the 2 I had. Didn't even know it was plastic until the Switch debacle.

Good point, my Vita is flawless after 5 years and I don't even baby it like I have been my Switch.

Avatar image for zevvion

I'll hold out for the next Switch that won't scratch. Why they refuse to use gorilla glass is beyond me. That stuff is fantastic and not that much more expensive. I'd gladly pay 5 bucks extra to have it in there. I still drag my keys across the screen of my phone regularly just because I can.

Avatar image for wynnduffy

I'll hold out for the next Switch that won't scratch. Why they refuse to use gorilla glass is beyond me. That stuff is fantastic and not that much more expensive. I'd gladly pay 5 bucks extra to have it in there. I still drag my keys across the screen of my phone regularly just because I can.

I'm not sure if it's cost saving or to stop people smashing it but I say **** the clumsy oafs dropping a Switch and give us scratch resistance that matters more on the daily. Hmphf.

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@wynnduffy: The cost saved versus quality of the screen makes no sense to have been a precaution against drops though. This plastic shitty screen can still tear from a drop whereas most gorilla glass types don't even, on top of being resistant to scratches.

The sentiment that they choose for this type of screen to prevent breaks from falls is not convincing in the slightest. It's just a cost reduction because Nintendo wants to make a profit on their shit. Rightfully so, but come on, price that thing 5-10 bucks more and have it be good.

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Please understand...

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@neurogia: They seem to have made up their minds, despite evidence to the contrary. It is unfortunate, but that seems to be a common trend these days.

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I'm sending it to Nintendo today. If they don't put a new screen on or give me a new Switch I'm going to possibly have to invoke the trading standards laws to get a replacement or a refund.

Funnily enough looking at the screen today, it seems to look even worse than when I made this thread. I've never seen a screen become this marked so easily.

When I get another Switch I'm putting a protector on as soon as it comes out of the box. Be careful people...

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@wynnduffy: Did you take a photo of the screen? I'd be interested in seeing what the damage looks like.

My Switch screen has remained flawless, but I've REALLY babied the thing. It is either in the dock or in a carrying case with a microfiber cloth covering it when I'm not actively using it. My screen protector arrived yesterday (Yep, Sunday delivery) so hopefully I can get that on without an issue.

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@wynnduffy: Did you take a photo of the screen? I'd be interested in seeing what the damage looks like.

My Switch screen has remained flawless, but I've REALLY babied the thing. It is either in the dock or in a carrying case with a microfiber cloth covering it when I'm not actively using it. My screen protector arrived yesterday (Yep, Sunday delivery) so hopefully I can get that on without an issue.

Here ya go:

No Caption Provided

Looks like specks of dust and hairs right? Those are actually permanent marks. Nothing has struck the screen so I'm shocked to see so many marks, maybe I'm going crazy but it seems to be getting worse and it has been sat in the dock for the last couple of days...

I held it up against a lamp to try and make the marks stand out but they still look worse in person and there's more not shown in the photo.

Avatar image for bigsocrates

Thanks for the photo. That looks really frustrating.

It's very strange to me that Nintendo, of all companies, built a video game device that's so fragile. How are you supposed to give this thing to children? I wouldn't trust someone with a Switch until they were at least in their early teens.

Avatar image for alistercat

That sounds terrible. I have the official case coming tomorrow but I don't think I will put the screen protector on. I'm still very nervous about putting it in the dock.

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@alistercat: I would recommend to use one of those hybrid glass screen protectors. They are really easy to apply without bubbles etc and look great.

Other than that you can also use felt tape for the dock. It makes the fit a little bit tighter, but obviously keeps the screen/back from being scratched.

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@alistercat said:

That sounds terrible. I have the official case coming tomorrow but I don't think I will put the screen protector on. I'm still very nervous about putting it in the dock.

I say slap the protector on but don't worry too much about getting the perfect fit, since the Switch basically gets scratched by thin air it seems.

@bigsocrates said:

Thanks for the photo. That looks really frustrating.

It's very strange to me that Nintendo, of all companies, built a video game device that's so fragile. How are you supposed to give this thing to children? I wouldn't trust someone with a Switch until they were at least in their early teens.

It really is ridiculous. I've got a calculator with a big screen from 5 years ago and that has been thrown in and out of bags repeatedly -- no permanent damage.

Avatar image for ravensword

I'm still back and forth wether I'll use a screen protector. I don't think I can apply it with bubbles.

Avatar image for shindig

Being a plastic screen, could the heat of console use make those scratches worse?

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no scratches yet. have a protector now, though

@sogeman said:

Screen being plastic is not an excuse. The Vita screen is also plastic and I've never had anything close to a scratch on with of the 2 I had. Didn't even know it was plastic until the Switch debacle.

Good point, my Vita is flawless after 5 years and I don't even baby it like I have been my Switch.

so far my vita has quite a few marks on it and the switch is pristine. meh.

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Tempered glass protectors prevent these issues.

Avatar image for yesiamaduck

I'm still back and forth wether I'll use a screen protector. I don't think I can apply it with bubbles.

Tempered glass is easy, any bubbles that do appear are easily removed with a bit of elbow grease after application of the screen.

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@shindig: Probably not if you are only playing in handheld mode because that thing doesn't get hot at all.

Not scratched my screen yet.

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@yesiamaduck said:

@ravensword said:

I'm still back and forth wether I'll use a screen protector. I don't think I can apply it with bubbles.

Tempered glass is easy, any bubbles that do appear are easily removed with a bit of elbow grease after application of the screen.

Agreed, the tempered glass screens are pretty good and now i can't even tell it's on there. Although I should note it took me three tries to get it right. The pack came with two and I couldn't get either on looking good. On the bright side, I emailed the company that makes them, TechMatte, and said I was getting bubbles and they sent me another pack for free. I got one on perfectly the third try.

Avatar image for indiana_jenkins

Here's maybe an upside. Since it is a plastic screen you should theoretically be able to buff out the marks with polish liquid? You could polish screen scratches out of clickwheel ipods and those were plastic. The touchscreen might complicate things.

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@indiana_jenkins said:

Here's maybe an upside. Since it is a plastic screen you should theoretically be able to buff out the marks with polish liquid? You could polish screen scratches out of clickwheel ipods and those were plastic. The touchscreen might complicate things.

I've sent it to Nintendo and I'm waiting for their analysis (I was late sending it, so maybe I'll hear in a week or so).

I've also spoken to the store I bought it from. They said it's not covered under warranty, so I spoke to my credit card company and they told me I can get my money back through a chargeback if I need to. If Nintendo won't repair it then I'm getting my money back, I did nothing to cause this damage.

A screen that gets marked this easily should not be in a device of this value. I have never seen a screen get marked so easily before, I have an iPod from 2004 which is in better condition! That thing has been thrown in boxes of junk (the battery is dead) and survived all throughout high school.

I tried the best I can to remove the marks, didn't wanna do anything more adventurous in case I make it worse.

I don't know what the hell happened with my Switch but to me a screen this weak is simply unfit for a portable device. There's cheap crappy tablets and phones out there that won't scratch this easy.

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I got my Switch back and Nintendo didn't repair it, so I sent it back today after doing a chargeback.

I'll wait for a price drop or a new version with a glass screen. There are even bargain bin tablets that don't use plastic screens, I don't know what Nintendo were thinking.

Avatar image for flippyandnod

Yeah, it's a flashback to early smartphones with plastic screens. People forget how careful you had to be with those. Nintendo seemed to not even harden the plastic like Sony allegedly did with the VITA (using the same anti-scratch coating as blu-rays have).

I have to think (as you do) that Nintendo will rectify this once they redo it as a lite and have a little more cost/price headroom.

Avatar image for wynnduffy

Yeah, it's a flashback to early smartphones with plastic screens. People forget how careful you had to be with those. Nintendo seemed to not even harden the plastic like Sony allegedly did with the VITA (using the same anti-scratch coating as blu-rays have).

I have to think (as you do) that Nintendo will rectify this once they redo it as a lite and have a little more cost/price headroom.

It scratches as easy as cheap acrylic windows on PC cases, I've had a Vita for 5 years and it hasn't got a single scratch! I wasn't even being that careful with it...

Avatar image for ripelivejam

i think i'd rather have the risk of scratching (which can be averted with a screen protector) than have a huge spider crack in it the one unfortunate time i drop it.

sorry that nintendo didn't help you out though. hopefully 2nd time's the charm.

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@ripelivejam said:

i think i'd rather have the risk of scratching (which can be averted with a screen protector) than have a huge spider crack in it the one unfortunate time i drop it.

sorry that nintendo didn't help you out though. hopefully 2nd time's the charm.

These screen marks appeared while I was putting the screen protector on, which makes it even more pathetic to be honest, it's such a weak piece of plastic. Give me glass any day over this, if you drop a Switch whether it uses glass or plastic and it lands badly that screen is going to look awful anyway.

Glass doesn't always crack when you drop it, has to be quite a bad fall for that. I once had a phone fall out of a robe, hit the floor and slide across and it didn't crack, just had one long scratch at the top.

If they are willing to ship such a weak screen, they should be applying protectors to them in the factory. I just do not understand how Nintendo think this product is OK for consumer use, people scratch up their phones all the time and those are using much better screens than this.

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Are you slamming your Switch in the dock like a piece of toast?

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@zackweiss said:

Are you slamming your Switch in the dock like a piece of toast?

I already said it isn't the dock that caused these marks, it's right there in the first post of the thread.

You shouldn't try and downplay how pathetically easy it is to mark the screen.

Avatar image for xanadu

I just want to make sure that you didn't use an electronic screen spray cleaner? I have had white marks show up exactly like in your picture which cleared up instantly once I applied some monster cleaner and a microfiber cloth.

Avatar image for evilsbane

Yea I got a bad dock and had the screen get marred with less than 8 dockings, they could not transfer my saves and I am pretty positive they just gave me a new system, put a amFilm Tempered Glass Screen Protector on the return unit immediately and I feel a lot better about docking.

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I'm not sure what glass they put on the Samsung Galaxy S3, but it needs to be on everything. Yes, I'm still using an S3 because it just won't die and I refuse to ditch a perfectly good phone. It's never had a screen protector on it, I've dropped it at least a hundred times to where the once-chrome bezel is now basically chrome/black digicamo from the scuffs and literally has chunks out of it, and yet the screen is near-flawless.

What I'm getting at is that this shit was figured out over five years ago, so it's pretty damn unacceptable that Nintendo would ship a portable device here in 2017 that is already having these kinds of screen issues. Between this and the consistent failures to manufacture enough products to match demand, Nintendo is really becoming a let-down. It's such a damn shame because they're actually doing some cool things here and there, but their logistics are so amazingly bad.

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I just want to make sure that you didn't use an electronic screen spray cleaner? I have had white marks show up exactly like in your picture which cleared up instantly once I applied some monster cleaner and a microfiber cloth.

Nah I didn't, I did spray some liquid on it after (an approved one I've used on many screens) and it didn't help, screen was the same as before I cleaned it.


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